Monday 3 August 2020

RAMMED EARTH ROYALTY - Traditional Architecture of the Great Benin Kingdom

Sketch of Benin City by British Officer 1897.
Image credit:
Come with me on a journey down memory lane! Around 2002/2003, in post-graduate architecture school at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma - Edo State, our class was split into teams for an assignment on traditional architecture. I and my teammate (who just happens to be my life partner and husband- insert a coy smile😀) were tasked with the documentation and production of measured drawings for a building constructed with traditional building materials and techniques.


Also defined as the the occurrence of unplanned fortunate discovery, serendipity is a fairly normal occurrence in the creative world.  Here's an account of one of mine. 

Window seats are my default position when travelling solo by air or land. In the vehicle, I love to see the buildings and greenery zipping past. The rooftops that come into view on the plane's ascent or descent fills me with such joy.