Monday 3 August 2020


Also defined as the the occurrence of unplanned fortunate discovery, serendipity is a fairly normal occurrence in the creative world.  Here's an account of one of mine. 

Window seats are my default position when travelling solo by air or land. In the vehicle, I love to see the buildings and greenery zipping past. The rooftops that come into view on the plane's ascent or descent fills me with such joy.

On this particular occasion some years back, I had my Nikon camera ready on the draw to capture the aerial view as the plane made its descent into Lagos. So my frustration can be better imagined when all the shots I got were seemingly blurred scenes. I was sorely tempted to delete the pictures, but from force of habit, they were dutifully archived.

Fast foward to a few months ago, going through the pictures with a fresh perspective, I could not help but fall in love with them. Now I could fully appreciate the "Las-Vegasreque" lights effect quality of the scenes that in retrospect look like they were editted in Photoshop. Now I would not trade them for the clearer scenes!

Quick morale of the story: In the creative world, seemingly imperfect conditions often result in great outcomes and joy.

All photocredits are the author's unless otherwise stated.
Pic 1: Google Images.

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